THE OTHER ME at Erasmus MC

Young people develop their identity by mirroring themselves to others. Social contacts are increasingly online. During the lockdowns, young people were even more dependent on screens. For lessons and lectures, but also in their relationships with family and friends. Researchers from Erasmus MC and the university asked young people how they felt during the lockdowns. A conclusion is that some young people are vulnerable, while others are doing well. Mapping the risks of a lockdown for young people requires more research.

For ‘THE OTHER ME’, 13 young Rotterdammers collected images in their own social bubble. Rnul, Interaction designers, incorporated these images into a scripted video installation. This installation is about ‘organic identity’: who you really are, versus “synthetic identity”: the edited version of yourself.

Location: (R)EVOLUTION exhibition Sciene Gallery, main hall Erasmus MC (next to the @maarten.baas clock) Projection times: sat-sun 9:00-21:00, mon-thu 12:30-13:30 & 16:30–21:00 fri 12:30-21:00

The Other Me 2021 Ellie Uyttenbroek, Ari Versluis, Aart Muis, Rob Donkers and: Negara Faghir, Roan van Galen, Daphne Geerdes, Kobus Gubbels, Anne Hulst, Thiago Klijnsma, Lex Mannens, Billie van Oosterom, Juanita Mendicuti Ortega, Frandy Perez, Julia Schotborgh, Muna de Vos en Isa Zichterman.